Mostly a maintenance release as there wasn’t much done to the JTapi implementation. Most work was in the MSTAPI service provider, though there were minor bug fixes in and XMediaTerminalConnection for the useDefaultXXXX JTapi Media Package methods.
In the MSTAPI provider:
The sound routines are now much improved.
Gone is any limitation on the length of a recording. This fixes a workaround that was required on some modems to run the JAnsweringMachine sample where they needed to make sure they went beyond 60 seconds. Now any arbitrary time should work fine.
To enable the above fix and for reasonable useDefaultXXXX support a circular buffer was implemented to handle recording / streaming, the code is very different now.
The circular buffer also improves hang-up detection while recording if using the Microsoft Unimodem TSP.
Included with the MSTAPI release is a readme.txt file that reads:
* When streaming audio (using getDefaultXXXX) it is preferable to have smaller
* buffers. However buffers smaller than 1 second do not work correctly on some
* cards (Dialogic 160SC). The default buffer size is one second, add a divisor
* DWORD value in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\xtapi to divide one second/divisor.
* Setting the value to 5 results in 200ms buffers.
* Name: divisor
* Value DWORD >= 1 <= 10
Note the registry key
is optional and is NOT created by default.
What’s next for
The Service Provider Java code is currently in the same Jar
file as the XTAPI JTapi implementation.
The next task is to not do that anymore as the Service Provider code is
now getting the lion’s share of work while the XTAPI code is not. This will make it
easier for someone to decide if they need to bother upgrading to the next
As usual the latest
and greatest stuff is at
Sunday, April 21
XTAPI JTapi Implementation Code Complete! XTAPI the first fully
functional free JTAPI implementation announces the Alpha 0.03 release!
Media Package is now 100% code complete! XTAPI has now moved from Pre-Alpha to
Alpha, all feedback is welcome and needed!
Additionally the XTAPI Media
Examples release has been added to the download section on SourceForge.
Interface changes have occured in IXTAPI. IXTapiCallBack is now
used for a looser coupling of the XTAPI Implementation and the Service
Provider code. This allows for other JTapi implementaions (such as
GJTAPI also on SourceForge at ) to use the XTAPI Service Providers! The net benefit for
the JTapi Community is that if others implement an XTAPI Service Provider the
JTapi Community will now have a choice of implementations, thus ending for
ever the question of "Where do I get a Provider?", you will now have a
choice! Due to the interface changes when upgrading to XTAPI 0.03 you
should delete *.class. If you have made modifications to the XTAPI code
you will need to port it. For those of you who have not made changes to
the XTAPI code, simply delete *.class and rebuild.
Alpha 0.03 release contains the latest and greatest stuff get it at
Sunday, April 7 2002
Implementation Code Complete! XTAPI the first fully functional free JTAPI
implementation makes another leap towards a Beta release!
The Core Package
is now 100% code complete while the Media Package is gaining at 83% code
complete. XTAPI will soon switch from pre-alpha to Alpha then comes Beta!
Download the Alpha 0.02 releases for the latest and greatest stuff.